Sunday, November 15, 2009

Memed, My Hawk

Okay, honesty time.  I haven't completed this novel yet.  There are a few factors playing into this, the biggest one being that I have been very crunched for time as our big Thanksgiving get together draws ever nearer.  What I have read of the novel I have loved, and I had kind of hoped to write a paper on it, but that might have to wait until our final paper.  It's sad to read about these Turkish people being so depressed in their own home, but I love the relationships that we are seeing building in this novel.  There is something beautiful about the way that the characters interact, and from what was said during our class discussion I am sure that it only gets better as the novel moves on.  
So I hope the have this novel done in time to (maybe) use it for my final paper, but for now I'm still plugging along through it.  I'll add to this post once I am finished.  

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